You can contact CSTI Registration via phone during normal business hours.
The registration phone line can handle all questions related to course registrations.
For all LMS technical issues, please use the LMS Help contact form.
CSTI San Luis Obispo Campus
Business Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, PST
Monday - Friday
If you need to withdraw from a course after registering in the LMS you can do so easily.
To withdraw from your CSTI course:
1. Login at CSTI.ORG
2. Under the Home Menu select > Universal Profile
3. Click the Transcript Tab
4. To the right of the course you want to Withdraw from, click the drop down button and select withdraw.
5. Follow the onscreen instructions to withdraw from the course.
*This function only works for courses where you registered via the LMS. For all other withdraws, please contact the CSTI Registration Desk at