The LMS will allow you to attempt the SEMS G606 test twice before reassigning the entire course. If you have failed the test twice, please allow 24 hours for the reassignment to occur. You must retake the course, answering all internal quizzes prior to the test being made available again. The course will be available in your student transcript.

*On subsequent failures we must reassign the course manually via a help ticket request.

To access your Transcript and relaunch the course after 24 hours: 
1. Login at CSTI.ORG
2. Under the Home Menu select > Universal Profile
3. Click the Transcript Tab
4. Click launch next to the course name.
5. Go through each slide and ensure you answer each question.
6. Once complete, the test will be available to you.
7. Upon successful completion of the test, a self print certificate will be available for print in your transcript.