To Register: 1. Visit CSTI.ORG 2. Click the green register button on the center of the screen. 3. Follow the on screen instructions to set up your account. To login to the LMS: 1. Visit CSTI.ORG 2. Click the purple Login button center of the screen 3. On the Login Page enter the e-mail and password you used to register. To Browse for training, and access the SEMS G606: 1. Login at CSTI.ORG 2. Navigate to: Menu Bar > CSTI Courses > Browse for Training or select the large yellow Browse Training button on the home page. 3. Click the small book icon (curriculum), on the left filter menu. 4. Click the Standardized Emergency Management System Introduction (SEMS G606) Online Course. 5. Click Request at top of window. Do not scroll to bottom and open each part individually. The online portion and test are part of a curriculum and cannot be taken separately. If you try and request separately, the parts will be unavailable to you. 6. Click Launch *If you have previously requested this course. You can launch the course within your student transcript Menu>Universal Profile>Transcript To print you completion certificate: 1. Login at CSTI.ORG 2. Under the Home Menu select > Universal Profile 3. Click the Transcript Tab 4. On the Active Tab Drop Down select > Completed 5. On the View Completion button far right of the course name, click the drop-down and > View Certificate. 6. You can print the certificate for you records.